Our School » 2024-25 Student Information » GRADE CARDS


Grades at MIS will be based on daily work and test scores.  Students identified and verified by an IEP meeting, will be graded on their IEP’s.  Conduct, music, art, health, and P.E. progress will be reported by: “S” for Satisfactory, “N” for needs improvement, or “U” for unsatisfactory.  The grading system for basic courses will be listed according to the scale on the report card.


The policy of MIS is that grade cards be sent home every nine week period.   Grades will be given in all academic areas as well as conduct.  A mid-term promotion letter will be sent home after 18 weeks to the parents of any student who is in danger of being retained.  Grade cards must be signed and turned back in no later than one week after being issued.