Our School » 2024-25 Student Information » General School Rules or Codes of Conduct

General School Rules or Codes of Conduct

Assemblies are held periodically.  These programs are both informative and entertaining.  In order for these programs to be enjoyed by all, the following rules should be observed:

  • The audience should be attentive and courteous.
  • Whistling and booing are not allowed.
  • Students should stay in their seats until dismissed.
  • Talking and excessive movements are not allowed.



It is our goal at MIS to provide our students with the best education possible.  In order for students to reap the full benefits of a quality education, it is necessary for them to maintain a good attendance record.  As a state law, the Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) states that, “All children between the ages of six and seventeen, both inclusive, are required to attend school under the provisions of TCA 49-6-3001.” In an attempt to assure that our students are fulfilling the requirements of this policy by attending school regularly, we will be implementing and enforcing the attendance and tardy policies of the Monroe County School Board, policy code # 6.202.

The School Board Policy lists the following attendance guidelines for all students in Monroe County:

  1. Six (6) days per year verified by parent notes
  2. Personal illness certified by a doctor’s statement
  3. Death in the family
  4. Absence approved by principal in advance per principal discretion
  5. Religious observances
  6. Circumstances which, in the judgment of the principal, create emergencies over which the student has no control.

Tardies also affect your child’s attendance.  A tardy is considered as arriving past the time of 8:00 AM, after the tardy bell has rung.  Excused tardies will be determined by the same guidelines as those used to determine excused absences.  These guidelines are stated above.  When a student accumulates five unexcused tardies per semester, parents will be notified by letter.  Five unexcused tardies will equal one unexcused absence.  Excessive tardiness beyond this will be dealt with accordingly.

It is important to remember that picking students up early also affects attendance.  After six hours of early pick-ups have accumulated, a student will be considered as being absent one day.  Also, five excused tardies equal one excused day, which means the child is no longer eligible for perfect attendance.  These days of tardiness will be considered when determining perfect attendance.

       Truancy: Students who accumulate five or more unexcused absences will be subject to the Tennessee Progressive Truancy intervention plan.  It is Monroe County Schools policy that parents will receive notification from our school’s attendance representative when a student has accumulated their third unexcused absence.  We ask that parents monitor their student’s attendance and encourage them to attend school to avoid any issues with truancy

Students leaving early with a total of six hours will be counted as a day of absence.    No student will be dismissed from school without a signed note from the parent or guardian.  All students must be checked out through the office prior to leaving.  The adult picking the child up early from the office must be named on the pick-up list and be prepared to show a photo ID.

            Anyone calling the office for a student to be picked up early or to go home a different way than usual, without a signed note from the parent, must give the last four digits of the child’s social security number or date of birth to the office staff.  These messages must be given in person.  Do not leave these messages on the teachers’ voice mail, as they may not be received until after school is dismissed.