Shelma Brackett » My Bio

My Bio

I am loving the last two years being here at MIS.  I had spent my 29 years before MIS in middle or high school settings, and the excitement with the younger students is so contagious.  
On a personal note, I married a Madisonville boy, 32 years ago.  After a brief tour in the Marine Corps, he brought me back to his hometown to live.  I have been here for 28 years.  We have three awesome children.  Two have married and added to our Brackettbunch.  Ben and Mckenzie, Luke and Alesha, and Becca.  Luke and Alesha had my first grandchild, Magnolia and then my 2nd, Livey.  Ben and McKenzie gave us Caroline this year.  3 beautiful grandgirls.  Love my family nad my county.