MIS Book Club for April-The BFG by Roald Dahl

Click the link above to download or view the book in pdf format. Read in your spare time. This is not a required reading, it is only for fun but once Mrs. Duncan has received emails from students who have read it, we will schedule a Zoom video meeting to talk about the book together!
TIPS FOR FAMILY BOOK CLUB: The BFG is filled with wonderful, strange, and unusual words. When you’re reading together, think about how the author uses language to describe people, places, and events. Use this opportunity not only to talk about the story, but also to consider how we use language every day and how the words we choose impact our understanding of the world.
1. Roald Dahl creates a whole new vocabulary for the BFG including words like scrumdiddlyumptious, frobscottle, and telly telly bunkum box. Did you ever have trouble understanding what was going on? What was your favorite made-up word?
2. The BFG said he never got to go to school and that’s why he uses so many mixed-up words. Does that make you think about school differently?
3. What is the witching hour? Have you ever been up at that time of night? If so, was it anything like what Sophie described?
4. How are the BFG and Sophie alike and how are they different? Are they friends?
5. How did the BFG react to being bullied by bigger giants? Did he always make good choices? Have you ever been bullied or seen someone else being bullied? How did you handle those experiences?
6. Compare two of the giants in the book. Talk about what their names mean and how they act.
7. What types of dreams were in the The BFG and how did they behave? If the BFG could give you a dream, what dream would you want to have?
8. Why is Sophie excited to meet the Queen of England? If you could pick one person in the world to meet who would it be and why?
9. After the BFG meets the Queen, he tastes delicious food for the first time. Why did he only eat snozzcumbers for so long? Are there certain foods you or your family don’t eat? Why?
10. Were you satisfied with the ending of the book? If not, how would you have changed it? Did the giants get the punishment they deserved?
Write your answers down and email or send a picture to Mrs. Duncan at [email protected]. You can even video your answers and send the video to Mrs. Duncan, or just discuss your answers with a grown-up!